Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound — or ultrasonography — is an imaging technique used not just during pregnancy but also for many medical procedures. Ultrasound physical therapy is a branch of ultrasound, alongside diagnostic ultrasound and pregnancy imaging. It's used to detect and treat various musculoskeletal issues you may have including pain, tissue injury, and muscle spasms.
Shockwave Therapy
A SHOCKWAVE is essentially a PRESSURE DISTURBANCE that propagates rapidly through a MEDIUM. It can be defined thus : A large-amplitude compression wave, as that produced by an explosion or by supersonic motion of a body in a medium which just a formal version of the first sentence.
High power laser
LASER means Light Amplification from Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser is created by specific process within the laser device to cause the controlled emission of radiation in form of light. Laser usually comes in one color and it comes in a thin beam. Lasers were first invented by physicist Gordon Gould in 1958 and first working model was built in 1960.They have been used in Europe and America for more than forty years and have been used in fields of dermatology, surgery.
Combined Therapy
In general terms, combination therapy involves the simultaneous application of ultrasound (US) with an electrical stimulation therapy. Most commonly used applications are US with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerves Stimulation (TENS), US with IFT and US with Electrical stimulation of any form including Iontophoresis In Europe, Diadynamic Currents are frequently utilised, but in the UK, US is most often combined with bipolar Interferential Therapy (IF).